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Last week we shared our experiences with the deadliest snakes in australia discussed. Today it's the turn of the monsters of the ocean: Sharks. Australia is pre-eminently the country with many sharks and shark attacks. In fact, this year has seen the most shark attacks since 86 years. It does have something exciting for us (we surf a lot in Australia). But when you think about it, it's simply terrifying. We have already seen several sharks ourselves and with the above video of a giant white shark we are even in the Netherlands got in the news, more about that below. If you go surfing in Australia, be prepared, the sharkies are lurking!

Also read: Spiders in Australia | Which ones do you come across and how do you recognize them?

Surfing with sharks in Australia

We have been taken out of the water several times since there were sharks in the area. For example, a month ago we were surfing in Yamba, the place in Australia with the most friendly people in the country. Gold this for the sharks that swim here. We were in the water when suddenly a woman paddled up to us and said casually that she saw a fin emerge. You are shocked and your first reaction is to quickly put your feet on your board before you lose them. We quickly got out of the water with a beating heart. Especially because this is also a place that is known for shark attacks.

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Last year during Christmas we also had a nice swim in Western Australiawhere we lived then. Out of nowhere the shark alarm went off, after which everyone ran out of the sea. It turned out to be two hammerhead sharks. In general, they don't do much, but we think it's a bit crazy to just spar quietly next to them.

More shark attacks than ever

This year we (and even you in the Netherlands) hear a lot about shark attacks in Australia. In 2020, 17 people have already been attacked, half of which have not survived. Often on the east coast, surprisingly many people are victims of a fatal bite. The funny thing about this is that sharks don't really like people at all. They apparently think we are seals, although of course there are people who really look like seals. After a bite, the sharks often leave, because they don't like it enough. Unfortunately, this often means that it is ready for humans.

Not long ago there was also a scary incident in Esperance, Western Australia. A surfer was attacked, after which only a very small piece of wetsuit and surfboard were found. So this person is most likely completely crushed. You try not to think about it when you're on your surfboard, but somewhere in the back of your mind this terrifying thought always haunts.

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6-meter white sharks come for dead whale

Thom was working in the town of Gerringong, about three hours south of Sydney† While working, he heard that a dead whale had washed up in a nearby village. This dead whale caught the attention of gigantic sharks, prompting Thom and his colleagues to stop work and rush here like firefighters. No sooner said than done. Not much later, Thom hovered over the magnificent spectacle with his drone. We've never seen bigger sharks than this! There were about four or five sharks of 5 to 6 meters swimming around. The beach was obviously closed off in fear of shark attacks. These images are still through and shared. The video can be seen at the top of this page!

Also read: Life in Australia | Weak coffee, eating fries, whales and dolphins

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You don't have to be afraid, but you will be

Sharks generally don't attack, as long as you don't bother them. We must not forget that we are in their habitat. So just act normal and try to enjoy all the beautiful things. Thom also snorkeled once in May and swam for about half an hour above a 2.5 meter Gray Nurse Shark. An abnormal moment and one of the coolest things he's ever experienced.

Yet the fear increases more when you hear of all the attacks. You know they are there and that very idea is sometimes frightening. For the time being, things are going well and we still have all our toes and fingers. We continue to surf and swim. And if things go wrong? In itself it is quite a tough story, such a shark attack.

About Whatifwefly_

This article was written by (World Travelers dot NL) Thomas and Lianne. If you want to know more about their adventures in Australia you can always leave a message in the comments or on their Instagram: @whatifwefly – and of course take a look at their website!

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