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DIGITAL NOMAD | 10 ways to make money online

What do you do it all from? Have you saved that much or are you still working on the go? And what exactly do you do? These are questions I'm used to from people who don't understand how I fund all the beautiful trips. In any case, one thing is clear: it did not happen by itself. I have gradually made conscious choices in my life with the aim of being independent. Are you considering changing your lifestyle to an independent existence as a Digital Nomad like I did? Do you want to be able to work anywhere in the world just like me? Then here are 10 ways Digital Nomads like me make money while traveling to inspire you!

10 Ways How Digital Nomads Make Money Online

1. Remote working

Of course, one way – and the easiest way – to do this is simply to be employed by a company. A company where you can and may work anywhere. This is an ideal situation for many, as you keep your financial stability and perks like paid vacation or sick leave. Wherever you are.

Chris van Wereldreizigers.nl – Working remotely in Uganda

Fortunately, this scenario is also becoming increasingly popular, especially with the pandemic and the way it has changed and encouraged working online. The only problem you have is the possible time difference, so keep that in mind when choosing your dream destination.

2. Trading Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies)

As far as I'm concerned, one of the best, if not the best, way to make money on the road. Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies started more than 10 years ago as a gimmick for nerds… For a long time, the average citizen thought it was funny and a bit scary, but it is now impossible to imagine everyday life without bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Big players like Tesla en dozens of pension funds have already entered in the billions – for the longer term, of course.

Not only can you do or pay more with it, but simply saving and trading cryptocurrencies can be lucrative because values ​​rise and interest rates (if you lock it for a while) are extremely high. In any case, it has done no harm to me and many others in recent years. All you need is patience.

In the meantime The Netherlands already has 1,6 million crypto investors, of which approximately 570.000 will have started in 2021. One point six million! This is 11,25% of the Dutch population! Where are you staying?

You are not late…

And if you think you're 'too late', think again† I thought that in 2017 also when bitcoin hit the 20.000 dollar mark… What many people forget is that only 3,9% of the world's population has only just become acquainted with cryptocurrencies. So there is still plenty of room to grow!

Fun fact: only 3,9% of the world's population has introduced to cryptocurrencies.

Chris – Wereldreizigers.nl

The Dutch are therefore real forerunners in the crypto world. And you can assume that other countries will follow, so that prices will generally rise again in the longer term. This is simply because the same amount of coins will be distributed among more people. This will lead to more scarcity in the future, a matter of supply and demand!

Start saving

So stop procrastinating and start saving crypto. Start with Bitcoin! It's not rocket science for nerds these days. With the Dutch crypto app BLOX, it is literally arranged within 1 minute. The app is really granny-proof designed, it's that easy. Use the voucher code 'WORLD TRAVELERS' and then you will receive your first 10 euro bitcoin as a gift from me. All you have to do is download the app here, to register and then at institutions the voucher code “WORLD TRAVELERS' to receive your free 10 euro bitcoin. You can then try the app for free and see how it works. If it doesn't help, then it won't hurt...

Disclaimer: this is not investment advice. Trading cryptocurrencies involves risks. Trade consciously and do not invest more than you are willing to lose.

Do you want to know more about cryptocurrencies and how I managed to turn my debts into a virtually infinite piggy bank? Then read this blog: Debt, the FIRE movement & passive income | A look into my life.

In it I also tell more about affiliate marketing, where you can sign up and how you can quickly generate passive income.

3. Blogging ✍️

One of the most important rising stars of the digital world, blogging! It can be a full time career these days and you can definitely make money from it. Admittedly, the competition is fierce, but if you find a good niche and learn the magic of storytelling that people love to read… you just might be the lucky one!

travel bloggers resilient

You can also blog easily for money at existing blogs, for example for Wereldreizigers.nl† That saves you a lot of work because you don't have to build and maintain a website yourself. For example, we regularly rent guest bloggers who want to share their travel stories. If you build up your portfolio and can put your stories on multiple websites, you can earn a nice pocket money along the way. Give it a try!

4. Affiliate marketing

This is the process by which an affiliate website earns a commission for sharing another person's or company's products. If your blog or Instagram page is popular enough, brands will want to buy links. They want to be mentioned in your stories or place a banner on your page. Every time your readers click on their link or make a purchase, you get a small percentage of it. Sounds good right?

These are the networks where Wereldreizigers.nl oa is connected. Create an account and start generating passive income right away!

You must of course already have some readers or followers before this will be really profitable. You will have to work hard for that… But once you reach that point, this is perhaps the best way to generate passive income. Your followers will continue to visit your website and keep clicking on links... Your affiliate income will therefore continue even if you are lying on the beach for a few weeks, with a can of beer in your hand...

Chris van Wereldreizigers.nl in Cancún, Mexico - 2019
Chris van Wereldreizigers.nl in Cancún, Mexico – 2019

5. Translations

No ability to work remotely and not so good at blogging? Don't worry, there are more options. Freelancing is a very popular way to earn money for digital nomads† You can start offering your project translation services in a language you speak fluently. There are plenty of capabilities that require just that: simply knowing two languages. If you speak two languages, consider yourself lucky and get started!

6. Online coaching or teaching

If you're thinking "but I don't have anything to learn", there's a 99% chance it isn't true. You probably have more skills than you think and there is someone who would like to learn it.

When evaluating your skills, don't just think about your previous jobs, but think about transferable skills you've learned along the way. Today, there are plenty of coaching platforms available. For example, you could do 1 on 1 online classes with your clients. Another thing to consider is creating courses that you can sell online. This takes some time and effort (filming, editing, uploading, etc), but you only have to do it once and then…spread the word!

On our Digital Nomads page For example, you will find some great blogs by Liesbeth, a professional online coach who helps you realize your digital nomad existence. Think outside-of-the-box – even if you're good at folding paper airplanes – someone's bound to learn from you, so get creative.

7. SEO services

SEO is a trendy, shiny topic for anyone who needs to market their product. Yet very few understand it or want to learn it. If you are not an SEO expert, there are many affordable or even free courses online that can help you get there! Even Google offers one these days.

The beauty of this path is that the basics of SEO are fairly easy to learn and can quickly get you started. But there is also a lot of room for growth for the real experts. At some point, many websites get stuck in terms of visitor numbers where you can help them – and charge a lot of money for it.

I also provide SEO services and help companies and websites move forward in the online world. I provide both SEO advice and SEO training. So if you need SEO help, you know where to find me!

8. Start your own business

Yes, yes, easier said than done – but in the long run, this is a great way to sustain a lifestyle as a Digital Nomad. At the end of the day you are your own boss. You set your own hours in your favorite time zones and you enjoy the freedom of your own company.

As a Digital Nomad with my own website to earn money, I experience freedom all over the world
As a Digital Nomad with my own website to earn money, I experience freedom all over the world

In the beginning, you will probably need alternative sources of income. Consider freelancing, passive income through affiliate marketing and crypto, and maintain a part-time job in your home country. Rent out your house and live cheaper yourself if you own one. Every little bit helps. This side income means you can work less for a boss and spend more time on your own business.

Owning your own business or freelancing is not an easy task and saving time is crucial. But if you persevere and have a good idea, it will reap the benefits for the rest of his or her life.

9. Data Entry

Data entry may not be your dream job. But while you're building skills for something else or just looking for your first way to make money online as a Digital Nomad, it's a good start. No specific knowledge is required. There are no courses that you have to take in advance. Just put in some time and focus and you might get your first digital income! Mind at 0 and bang!

10. Graphic designer or video editor

I'm not going to lie, this requires serious skill and talent. But if you're one of the lucky few who can get the hang of it, it's a great freelance opportunity to work from anywhere. It is creative, in high demand and highly transferable between sectors. A simple search for “freelance graphic designer” will show you that the world is your oyster. Plus, you can use these skills later if you ever want to start your own business, or launch your own blog.


I see so many Digital Nomads, travel bloggers and online coaches invest almost all their time and energy in social media.

Then I ask myself… Why…? 

Make money online sounds easier than it actually is. The most common mistake I see is that people start in good spirits and spend a lot of time in their social media channels. After two years they have spent thousands of hours of time and energy, without any results except many followers on their social media channels.

The biggest cause? Social Media is mainly intended as a closed system. That is to say, channels such as Instagram do everything they can to keep you on the platform longer so that you consume as much advertising as possible, advertising from which they earn a lot of money. Infinite scrolling.

Placing outgoing links is therefore deliberately made clumsy (link in bio) and in stories people are simply not out to click through to your website. People just want to scroll and see short updates from others. It has become a habit.

This is not my opinion, this is a fact. This fact is very well reflected in datasets and statistics. Many studies have already been completed that substantiate this. For example, read: DIGITAL 2022: SOCIAL MEDIA REFERRALS from the website Data reports. Below I have included an image of the results of their research.

Digital nomads and social media. What works and what doesn't?
Digital nomads and social media. What works and what doesn't?

If you still want to focus on Social Media, put your energy into Facebook. Although Facebook is already seen by many as 'old fashioned' and membership is slowly declining, it is by far the most effective platform for generating traffic to your website and affiliate links.

Scoring well in Google is still the absolute number 1 for Digital Nomads who want to generate a passive income, but if you compare the socials against each other, I can only conclude one thing: Twitter, Pinterest and especially Instagram are just a waste of your time.

Closing comments

So! These were my 10 tips for making money online while traveling. Hopefully this will inspire you to take a leap of faith. Life as Digital Nomad is not easy, but go-getters who get it done never want anything else. I speak from experience!

If you have any fun or smart ways to earn money online, let us know in the comments. Future Digital Nomads will thank you in advance.

Until the next blog!

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Chris Thomassen

Owner of Wereldreizigers.nl † Discover the world!

- Full-time blogging world traveler.
- Winner of an international press award.
- Writes about travel, photography, sustainability and gadgets.
- Likes to discover extreme and unknown places.
- Likes to connect and discuss travel on LinkedIn

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