I still see it passing by every week; an enthusiastic young couple who is going to travel, it #vanlife adventure. Along the way they 'just' go to work. if Digital Nomad† They look forward to the adventure and journey of their lives. They still have one question: How do you find customers as a Digital Nomad?
Online business is online Marketing
It's pretty obvious, you'd say. When you start a business online (and I advise you to do so; please don't take a remote job), your Marketing is also completely online. Everything can be done online and automated, right?
Think of using platforms like Fiver; every Digital Nomad offers their services there. Or advertise on the social media channels; then you can reach the whole world at last.
The world is our playground
For many Digital Nomads, this is their motto: the world is literally their playing field. And so it will be with their company as well. Everyone can be reached via the World WideWeb, so finding customers like Digital Nomad should be possible, right?
It's a question of communicating a lot of English, so that the whole world can read it and so you can help everyone. Nothing could be further from the truth, if you ask me.
Start small, grow later
What do you need most as a Digital Nomad to get a stable customer base? Audience. And not 'everyone', but a select group. Focus your business on a specific niche. Don't try to become a Bol.com from scratch. Start small, grow when you're ready. Bol.com started selling exclusively books. Nor did they start where they are now. Choose a specific niche for your products and services. Do not try worldwide to assist. That's a nice goal, isn't it? But don't start there. Start ultra small and grow later. The whole world doesn't want to be helped by you: the world wants to be helped by an expert.
Nature selects on competence
The world is not looking for 'all-rounders' or 'everyone helpers': it is looking for an expert for their problem. So pick a specific problem and solve it uniquely. As only you do. By choosing a target group and problem so specifically, you automatically become the expert in that area. Simply because your attention does not have to be spread over many problems and target groups. Think of the personal trainer who yells: 'I'll make everyone fit!' Or a Personal Trainer who says: 'I'm only here for Starting Digital Nomads'. The latter has your attention: you recognize that he can solve your problem. The whole world wants an expert. So become an expert in 1 field.
Build a fan base
Once you have determined your expertise, you can start building an audience. Make sure people recognize and appreciate your expertise. That they see that you are there for them. In the meantime, you are actually becoming that expert. By focusing. By not splintering attention over 'everyone'. But only to delve into that one group. So that you start speaking their language, understand what they need and know what they need. Introduce them to your expertise. Do this consistently (!) and you'll be rewarded with a loyal fan base. People who would like to work with you and will ask for what they can buy from you.
Take them on a journey
And then it's up to you to take them on a journey. A logical customer journey. Build trust cumulatively. Take them by the hand through a strong product ecosystem. Make sure they get the information they need and that you want to give them. Make their journey through your company logical and they will 'naturally' choose you.
You can build a stable customer base. That takes time. But it is something that is completely in your control. Sales through connection, not through techniques. So spend your time and money on connection. Not in techniques. Build your business durable† Then you don't have to worry about customers as a Digital Nomad.
Do you have questions about this; Feel free to put them below or plan a Strategy Session: then I will think along with you.
Work where you want, work when you want: that freedom of choice is pure freedom and priceless!
Discover what your mission is and learn how you can start a business with it that will bring you meaning and an income with which you can start living the life you want.
Love, Lisbeth
Personal BusinessCoach For Digital Nomads(ToBe)