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You probably came to this website to get information about world travel. maybe you want to go save for a world trip or have you been a wide one for a long time planning a world trip† You will find such topics in abundance on this website! Yet we also find it important to provide you with good, reliable and up-to-date information when it comes to the world and the various fun and useful statistics.

Whether you want to know how continents / continents the world counts or how many countries are there in the world, on this page we collect all kinds of useful tips and information about the world. From this page we refer to many other pages that go into more detail per subject. Are you ready to travel the world, but also to learn something about the world? Then this page is the perfect starting point!

General information about the world

The 7 continents / continents of the world

Although scientists and experts worldwide cannot agree on the number of continents / continents that our world has, for the sake of convenience we will assume 7. When you are looking for information about the world and in particular about the number of continents , 7 is usually the correct answer. Our world has 7 continents or continents, which can be seen below on the topographical world map.

The 7 continents of the world - topography
The 7 continents of the world – topography

Do you want to know more about continents, why there aren't 7 'actually' and why? Do you want to know what the surface is and how they originated? Read all about it on our extensive page: Worldly | 7 Continents or Continents† It contains everything you need to know about continents and continents.

Update June 7, 2021: An 8th continent / continent has been added! Zealandia is the 8th continent / continent of this world.

List of all countries in the world

Unfortunately, not 100% clear and reliable information can be found on this subject. In 2021, the world has a total of 195 countries recognized by the United Nations. We must emphasize that firmly: independent countries recognized by the UN. For example, some states or countries have declared independence but have never been recognized by the UN. North Korea is the perfect example of this. Everyone knows North Korea and the country is featured on all world maps and informational websites. However, according to the UN, the country does not officially exist, and is therefore not on the list of 195 recognized countries.

Now you're probably wondering, why 195 countries instead of 196 countries? Most online sources tell you that there are 196 countries. The answer to this is quite simple: other sources are not (yet) up-to-date. The number of countries in the world has been, and continues to be, highly variable throughout history through wars, divisions, and recognitions (or lack thereof). Even between the time of writing and this update a few months later, we've gone from 196 countries back to 195 UN-recognized countries.

Fun fact: The last major reorganization of countries took place during and just after the 2nd World War. Correct information about countries is always subject to change.
All countries on the world map
Source: Wikipedia

What about all the countries that we know but are not recognized by the UN? And how many countries is that?

If you disregard the UN and its 'recognition', the world currently (mid 2021) has 235 countries and/or territories. Do you want to know more or are you looking for the full list of countries? Then read our Globally wise article about All countries in the world.

Also read: Worldly | All countries in the world | List of countries + population

World population by country

Obviously, the exact amount of inhabitants of this world changes daily. After all, people die every second and babies are born again in those same seconds of the day. According to the most recent estimates of the world meter, an international team of scientists and researchers, at the time of writing (mid-2021) totals the world population 7.871.057.944 inhabitants. Almost 8 billion people!

Would you like more information about the population per country? Read the Worldwide article: Worldly | All countries in the world | List of countries + population

The 25 largest islands in the world

Have you always wondered what the largest island in the world is? You may be surprised, but you're going to find out soon! And no, it's not Australia. Finding the largest islands in the world is not as easy as it may sound. First, it's not super clear what exactly an island is as opposed to one continent.

Greenland | One of the largest islands in the world
Greenland | One of the largest islands in the world

Australia is classified as a continent, but which is the largest island? Read the worldly article below to find out what the 25 largest islands in the world are!

Also read: Worldly | The 25 largest islands in the world by land area

The largest countries in the world

Everyone in The Netherlands know that we live in a small country when we compare it with for example Germany of England† Yet these large neighboring countries are nowhere near to be found in the top 10 largest countries in the world. To give you an idea: France is still just in the top 50 at #49. Germany can only be found at position #63!


It may be clear that European countries are not really strongly represented on a global level when it comes to territory and land area. But which countries? What are the 10 largest countries in the world? You can read all about it in the Wereldwijs article below.

Also read: What are the 10 largest countries in the world?

All the capitals of the world + 101 facts and trivia

What are the Capitals of the world? And what is the difference between a capital and a de facto capital? All these questions and many more fun facts and tidbits about capitals are answered in this new worldly article by Will you travel with us?

Information about Africa

Africa is the second largest in terms of area continent on earth. Alone Asia is bigger. However, when one North- en South America if one continent sees, Africa ranks third. It covers some 30.244.050 square kilometers, which is 20,3% of the total land area of ​​the earth.

All countries in Africa + number of inhabitants per country

Are you ready to become worldly wise? How many countries does it count Africa† What is it population per country in Africa? What is the largest country in Africa? These are all fun questions that we have answers to! on this page you will find answers to the most common questions about Africa, but also a clear table with all countries in Africa + the number of inhabitants per country.

The Safest and Dangerous Countries in Africa

Africa is a fantastic travel destination with many unique spots, ancient culture and beautiful natural areas. Africa has many faces. Yet there are many world travelers who ignore this special continent. Because, they say, there is war in many countries, terrorist organizations are everywhere and the chance of robberies is too great. Perhaps understandable after all the negative news stories that continue to haunt Africa.

Africa unsafe countries

However, this image is not always correct. In many African countries you can experience the most beautiful holidays, as long as you know where to be. So do you want to go to Africa but don't know where to go? We remove all doubt and present the top 3 safest and most dangerous countries in Africa. You can read all about it in the worldly article below.

Also read: Worldly | The Safest and Most Dangerous Countries in Africa

Information about Europe

Europe is the continent that lies west of Asia and north of Africa. It is also bordered by the Arctic Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. In 2015, it had about 742 million inhabitants: about 11% of the total world population.

The safest and most dangerous countries in Europe

In this worldly In this article we are going to talk about security in Europe. Which are the safest and most dangerous countries in Europe in 2020? This article contains both a top 10 safe and dangerous countries in Europe.


The ranking has been established through multiple sources and safety analyses. Some of them are;, they annually publish large-scale, global safety analyzes based on the Global Peace Index (GPI). The GPI is an annual ranking of countries prepared by the Institute for Economics and Peace (ELM). IEP assesses the security in the countries on the basis of various criteria, including general security, (armed) conflict, crime rates and attacks. You can read all about it in the Wereldwijs article below.

Also read: World wise: The safest and most dangerous countries in Europe

Information about Asia

Asia is the largest continent on planet Earth. It borders on the west side Europe en Africa, the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Pacific Ocean to the east and southeast, and the Indian Ocean to the south.

The Roof of the World

A much sought-after piece of information about the world: What is the Roof of the World? The Roof of the World is a metaphorical description for the highest region in the world. The term usually refers to the mountainous interior of Asia, higher than 4500 meters. This term is also applied to certain parts of this area, such as the Pamirs, the Tibetan Highlands or Mount Everest. You can see and read more information and beautiful photos of this region on our page: The Roof of the World † The mighty Himalayas in Nepal and Tibet.

The Roof of the World - The mighty Himalayas in Nepal and Tibet.
The Roof of the World – The mighty Himalayas in Nepal and Tibet.

More information about the world

Do you have more information about the world yourself? Fun facts, trivia or just real information that absolutely everyone should know? Then let us know in the comments! Preferably with some citations. Then we can assess the information provided as well as possible and possibly add it to this page. Thanks in advance!

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