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Weekend away in your own country? Go with the fat bike

Are you planning a weekend away in the Netherlands, and would you like to try something unique this time? Then go on a trip with the fat bike or electric scooter! These bikes have wide tires and are heavier than regular bikes, meaning they do well on both dry and wet ground. So you can also use them when the weather is not so good, if you want to cycle through the woods or just visit a city. There are actually many reasons why you should grab a fat bike for a fun weekend getaway. Read more about it here! 

Nice on the beach

Fat bikes are ideal if you plan to go to the beach for a weekend. You can ride over sand fairly easily with these bikes. This way you can explore the beach in a different way than on foot. It is best to keep riding on the wet sand along the waterline, especially on calm days or when there is a breeze from the sea. When waves crash against the shore, riding becomes more difficult as the wet sand washed over by the waves clings to your drivetrain if you get too close

A fat bike for winter

Are you already planning a weekend away in the winter? A fat bike is also great for this. The wide tires, usually 4-5 inches wide, give you great grip and stability, allowing you to make turns effortlessly on snow and ice. These tires can also grip snow and ice several inches deep, preventing you from getting stuck in snow dunes. You therefore feel a lot safer on a fat bike, because you feel what is happening beneath you and have more grip.

You can get anywhere with a fat bike

Fat bikes take you to places you have never cycled before. These wide tire bikes provide great grip and traction even on the most challenging terrain, whether wet rocks, muddy trails or snowy hills. You no longer have to tie your bike to a tree and continue on foot to get stuck, because thanks to the extra grip of the wide tires, no surface seems insurmountable. The tires are designed to reduce pressure on the bike and rider, ensuring they perform well even in snowy conditions. They are perfect for relaxed rides on the beach, something that regular mountain bikes cannot offer, and they remain stable on wet surfaces and slippery ice bends. Sounds good, right?

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